You can buy Subbuteo dogs to disrupt play

You will have probably heard of Subbuteo streakers but did you know there are some other pitch invaders that can interrupt your table top game?

Patrick Kent shared images of a unique Subbuteo piece – a set of cute dogs on Subbuteo bases branded as Subboneo.

The bizarre addition to the beloved table top game were picked up at a Subbuteo Fair and they even come with a set of rules that allows you to flick the dogs onto the pitch to disrupt the game.

The rules are simple. The dogs wait patiently at the end of the pitch during a game and at any time the ball is in play you can flick your pooch on. You then have three flicks to land the dog in the centre circle to provide a sufficient distraction to stop the game and stop your opponent’s burgeoning attacks.

If you do not get your dog to the centre circle the game does not stop. And if you come into contact with any players, the ball, or the other player’s dog, you will give away an indirect free kick.

However, if the dog is successful play will restart in the centre of the pitch with a drop ball.

The new rules were sold by somebody at the Renishaw Subbuteo Fair, says Patrick, who shared images of the dogs.

He says: “I bought them from a guy who always used to attend the Renishaw Subbuteo Fair, near Sheffield. Unfortunately I don’t know his name but someone may know him. I have not been to the fair for the last 5 years or so.

“I think I got two sets as I have 2 copies of the rules. I suspect it was one dog and one set of rules per purchase. I guess the dogs are just model set accessories (like to go with train set scenery) glued on LW bases but they are quite cool, and an alternative to the streakers (which you have probably seen as I think you can still get those at SubbuteoWorld).”

Stephen Hurrell
Stephen Hurrell
Stephen is the founder and editor of The Hobby Online and The Hobby by Subbuteo.Online print magazine. He is a giant nerd and specialises in Subbuteo, retro football kits and consumer stories. A journalist and editor of 15 years, he has written about football for some of the UK's biggest publications.

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