The cheap indoor Subbuteo pitch that uses a standard office item

Ever been sat in your office wishing you could ditch the spreadsheets and set up an impromptu game of Subbuteo?

A Subbuteo fan has taken the classic office daydream to new heights after stopping a blue office notice board from being binned.

Dig J Maher shared his ingenious use of the doomed notice board after he turned it into a brilliant indoor football arena.

He says: “A couple of weeks ago this was a notice board being thrown into a skip at work. Now it’s my indoor pitch!

“There wasn’t much to it and it’s cost me zero pence. The idea came to me when I saw my boss walking to the skip with it. The material is very similar to what you might find on a pool table. It must be cork board underneath. It definitely takes a drawing pin.”

He used a permanent marker and a ruler to draw the lines, while cereal bowls were used for the goalkeeping areas.

The notice board arena

As for the rules, he says: “There is no offside. You can use the barriers, shoot from anywhere outside the D. It is proper street football and it’s pretty enjoyable.”

As office notice boards are on sale from retailers from around £20 it’s a nice way to create a cheap indoor football arena. All you need is a marker, some boards for the perimeter and some goals and you can get started.

After posting to Facebook, Dig has been inundated with praise for his clever use of unwanted office goods.

He added: “I won’t be the first to do this but I’m amazed at the reaction I got. Hopefully Staples will see an upturn in the sales of notice boards!”

Stephen Hurrell
Stephen Hurrell
Stephen is the founder and editor of The Hobby Online and The Hobby by Subbuteo.Online print magazine. He is a giant nerd and specialises in Subbuteo, retro football kits and consumer stories. A journalist and editor of 15 years, he has written about football for some of the UK's biggest publications.

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