Here at Subbuteo.Online I love a good Subbuteo job lot. They regularly appear on eBay and Facebook market place and it’s always a thrill to zoom in and investigate the details of a big pile of green boxes.
A fascinating job lot of old Subbuteo has now appeared on an auction website and while there is plenty to zoom in on the boxes are not always green. That is because the job lot set to go up for auction on 31 August has plenty of old Subbuteo and box sets that did not always include the iconic green.
The job lot will go on sale at Gerrards Auction Rooms in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, on 31 August until 1 September and the lot includes some interesting bits. They include the original 1950s table rugby set and the later, bigger boxed version launched in the late 1960s and early 1970s. There are also several cricket teams and a cricket box set.
The auction’s real eye-catching sets are the old team holder boxes holding original Subbuteo celluloid teams. The boxes themselves seem to be in excellent condition although it is not clear if any of the players are missing.
Other items included in the auction are Subbuteo 5sides, the original 5-a-side version of the game sold with celluloid players and the predecessor to the popular Subbuteo Express five-a-side box set.
Information on the auction itself is scarce. The description reads: “Large Quantity Containing Subbuteo Related Items, to include Table Cricket, various teams, Australia, West Indies, Standard Red, England, football accessories, etc. Table Rugby, football various teams, Rugby League, complete mix to sort.”
The auction is currently on £280, with bids of £300 being accepted. However, buyers will also have to pay a 31% auction fee and VAT on any buys, making this an expensive job lot.