If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know that our love for SubbuteoLab in Italy is a little bit over the top. The world’s only dedicated…
Where to buy Subbuteo
Have you noticed the price of Subbuteo recently? It is a bit of a double-edged sword that the more people we can convince to join the growing Subbuteo community, the…
The world’s only Subbuteo shop has opened its doors in a new city and it looks amazing. Subbuteo Lab first opened a couple of years ago in the Certaldo region…
The world’s only dedicated Subbuteo shop has closed its doors – but do not panic because it is coming back. Subbuteo Lab in Italy opened in 2018 and is now…
A major UK toy store has confirmed it has dropped Subbuteo from its shelves just months before Christmas. In a blow to the table top football brand, Hamleys has confirmed…